Thursday, February 17, 2011

WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Louis Vuitton replica or an authentic Louis Vuitton?

AAA quality replica Louis Vuitton handbag vs. authentic Louis Vuitton handbag...what is the differences?

The main difference in a AAA quality Louis Vuitton replica bag and a authentic Louis Vuitton is the price. AAA 7 star quality replicas are the best replicas possible. They are made exactly like the authentic ones, the exterior looks the same, have Louis Vuitton logo hardware. the interior looks the same, they feel the same, they come in a Louis Vuitton dustbag, have Louis Vuitton tags, made of top grade leather (if they are leather bags) the high end replicas even come with a card that says they are an authentic Louis Vuitton bag. However, they are just a very high quality replica of a very expensive bag.

So when you match them up side by side....what is the real difference. If I gave you a authentic Louis Vuitton monogram Artsy bag and a AAA replica Louis Vuitton Arsty bag, 99% off people could not tell any difference or be able to tell which one is authentic and which one is not. The 1% that can, have worked in the industry and know what to look for, sometimes even those people don't get it right!

I took in a Luois Vuitton authentic Zippy wallet to be fixed because it fell apart. (after only 2 months) Since it was just lying in my purse and I wasn't using it for football practice or hadn't run over it with my car I was pretty disappointed that it had held up merely 8 weeks! So the Louis Vuitton store I took it to (I didn't purchase it there) send it off to their manufacturers to be fixed. About a week later I got back my $600 wallet still ripped & broken with a note. They said they would no longer fix these items unless I had a receipt because the replica Louis Vuitton items have gotten so good in their quality and attention to detail, the Louios Vuitton manufacturer couldn't tell if it was authentic or not. WHAT??! First off, I was the one paying for it to be fixed, Louis Vuitton didn't offer a dime to fix it. Secondly, it did come with a gift receipt but I threw that away immediately because I knew I wouldn't need it, I was in love my new Zippy wallet! Also, it was a gift from a boyfriend at the time and we were no longer together, my last option was to call him and ask him to come up with some proof of purchase (plus who knows if he could do, would do, or even would work in place of the receipt) that he did buy it at a actual Louis Vuitton store. As much as I loved my Zippy wallet, I loved my pride more and I wasn't going to call him up and ask for a receipt to a generous gift he had just bought me before I decided it wasn't working there I was stuck with a $600 wallet that didn't even get to celebrate it's 9 week life!

My point is not to bash Louis Vuitton because I have done my fair share of business with them and had drooled over their latest and greatest bags for years. They have great stuff! They have some of the most beautiful bags in the world and are known nation wide for it. They are one of the few brands that are carried by celebrities, who could buy anything and wear anything, they chose Louis Vuitton. I think you are understanding my great respect for Louis Vuitton and my love of their styles. However, if I can get their exact same 2011 collection of handbag in the damier finish for $140 vs adding on another zero to that and paying nearly $1400.00....why wouldn't I? If the manufacturer can't tell the difference on my beautifully ruined $600 Zippy wallet from the one for $90, then who am I to judge? Obviously they can't judge their own products from a good knockoff, so what really is the difference between a high end AAA 7 star quality Louis Vuitton Neverful replica handbag for $140 from the one sitting in the store window with a fat price tag on it for 1200.00?

I love designer styles, I don't love designer prices, but I used to pay them because I thought that was the only way to get designer quality...FALSE! Now that I know I can shop at and get the same quality and style, it seems stupid now to just spend more money on the exact same item just so I can know it's one else will ever be able to you have to ask yourself, are you buying it for yourself or other people? Are you embarrassed or afraid that your bag is inferior or less stylish just because it is a replica....FALSE! If they look the same, feel the same...the old saying comes to mind, "If it walks like a duck and quacks likes one, then it must be...a duck!

So your bag is no less stylish or fabulous because it is a replica; in my head, it is now better. We are both walking around with the exact same Louis Vuitton Neverful bag, who is the one that shopped for a better deal and walking around carrying my amazing Louis Vuitton Neverful bag and still has an extra $1000 in their bank account? You guessed it. Me! So I pose the question again, what is the REAL difference between a high end Louis Vuitton replica handbag and an authentic one?


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  2. I could not agree more! The only difference between the real one and a replica is their price. But not every store owns this. is the only store for me that I trust the most. Some replicas will cost cheap but the item looks cheap too, they do not come close to a simple lv bag. With my favorite online store, I am fully confident that they have the perfect premium quality bags that can sit beside an original Louis Vuitton bag that even their experts could not tell it's a replica. The discounts from the website is never ending. The more you buy the more you get big discounts! Also look for their fantastic items for Men.
