Saturday, February 26, 2011

Designer Brands for Less: Where can I find designer replica handbags?

Designer Brands for Less: Where can I find designer replica handbags?: "Get brands like Gucci, Prada, Coach, Chanel, Coach, Juicy Couture, Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Paul Smith, Chloe, Fendi,..."

Designer Brands for Less: WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Lou...

Designer Brands for Less: WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Lou...: "AAA quality replica Louis Vuitton handbag vs. authentic Louis Vuitton handbag...what is the differences? The main difference in a AAA quali..."

Designer Brands for Less: WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Lou...

Designer Brands for Less: WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Lou...: "AAA quality replica Louis Vuitton handbag vs. authentic Louis Vuitton handbag...what is the differences? The main difference in a AAA quali..."

Designer Brands for Less: WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Lou...

Designer Brands for Less: WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Lou...: "AAA quality replica Louis Vuitton handbag vs. authentic Louis Vuitton handbag...what is the differences? The main difference in a AAA quali..."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

WHat is the REAL difference between a high end Louis Vuitton replica or an authentic Louis Vuitton?

AAA quality replica Louis Vuitton handbag vs. authentic Louis Vuitton handbag...what is the differences?

The main difference in a AAA quality Louis Vuitton replica bag and a authentic Louis Vuitton is the price. AAA 7 star quality replicas are the best replicas possible. They are made exactly like the authentic ones, the exterior looks the same, have Louis Vuitton logo hardware. the interior looks the same, they feel the same, they come in a Louis Vuitton dustbag, have Louis Vuitton tags, made of top grade leather (if they are leather bags) the high end replicas even come with a card that says they are an authentic Louis Vuitton bag. However, they are just a very high quality replica of a very expensive bag.

So when you match them up side by side....what is the real difference. If I gave you a authentic Louis Vuitton monogram Artsy bag and a AAA replica Louis Vuitton Arsty bag, 99% off people could not tell any difference or be able to tell which one is authentic and which one is not. The 1% that can, have worked in the industry and know what to look for, sometimes even those people don't get it right!

I took in a Luois Vuitton authentic Zippy wallet to be fixed because it fell apart. (after only 2 months) Since it was just lying in my purse and I wasn't using it for football practice or hadn't run over it with my car I was pretty disappointed that it had held up merely 8 weeks! So the Louis Vuitton store I took it to (I didn't purchase it there) send it off to their manufacturers to be fixed. About a week later I got back my $600 wallet still ripped & broken with a note. They said they would no longer fix these items unless I had a receipt because the replica Louis Vuitton items have gotten so good in their quality and attention to detail, the Louios Vuitton manufacturer couldn't tell if it was authentic or not. WHAT??! First off, I was the one paying for it to be fixed, Louis Vuitton didn't offer a dime to fix it. Secondly, it did come with a gift receipt but I threw that away immediately because I knew I wouldn't need it, I was in love my new Zippy wallet! Also, it was a gift from a boyfriend at the time and we were no longer together, my last option was to call him and ask him to come up with some proof of purchase (plus who knows if he could do, would do, or even would work in place of the receipt) that he did buy it at a actual Louis Vuitton store. As much as I loved my Zippy wallet, I loved my pride more and I wasn't going to call him up and ask for a receipt to a generous gift he had just bought me before I decided it wasn't working there I was stuck with a $600 wallet that didn't even get to celebrate it's 9 week life!

My point is not to bash Louis Vuitton because I have done my fair share of business with them and had drooled over their latest and greatest bags for years. They have great stuff! They have some of the most beautiful bags in the world and are known nation wide for it. They are one of the few brands that are carried by celebrities, who could buy anything and wear anything, they chose Louis Vuitton. I think you are understanding my great respect for Louis Vuitton and my love of their styles. However, if I can get their exact same 2011 collection of handbag in the damier finish for $140 vs adding on another zero to that and paying nearly $1400.00....why wouldn't I? If the manufacturer can't tell the difference on my beautifully ruined $600 Zippy wallet from the one for $90, then who am I to judge? Obviously they can't judge their own products from a good knockoff, so what really is the difference between a high end AAA 7 star quality Louis Vuitton Neverful replica handbag for $140 from the one sitting in the store window with a fat price tag on it for 1200.00?

I love designer styles, I don't love designer prices, but I used to pay them because I thought that was the only way to get designer quality...FALSE! Now that I know I can shop at and get the same quality and style, it seems stupid now to just spend more money on the exact same item just so I can know it's one else will ever be able to you have to ask yourself, are you buying it for yourself or other people? Are you embarrassed or afraid that your bag is inferior or less stylish just because it is a replica....FALSE! If they look the same, feel the same...the old saying comes to mind, "If it walks like a duck and quacks likes one, then it must be...a duck!

So your bag is no less stylish or fabulous because it is a replica; in my head, it is now better. We are both walking around with the exact same Louis Vuitton Neverful bag, who is the one that shopped for a better deal and walking around carrying my amazing Louis Vuitton Neverful bag and still has an extra $1000 in their bank account? You guessed it. Me! So I pose the question again, what is the REAL difference between a high end Louis Vuitton replica handbag and an authentic one?

What mineral foundation color am I? How to find out what color of mineral foundations best fit you & products & colors that Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals have

This is a set of Foundations, Mineral Veils, Bronzers, Concealers & blushes. I don't provide the kabuki brush on my website but I can get you some make-up brushes.
Foundation Colors listed from lighter to darker shades:

Fair--Complexions with pink undertones & hues. These people don't tan.
Fairly Light--Complexions with olive hues. These people usually freckle and burn in the sun.
Fairly Beige--Complexions with olive or yellow hues. These people both tan & burn in the sun.
**88% of all women wear Medium Beige, Medium, Medium Tan Foundation Colors!**

Medium Beige--Complexions with olive hues. These people can tan but are not in the sun regularly.
Medium--Complexions that tan easily and have golden or yellow hues.
Medium Tan--Complexions that have olive hues & have a natural tan color but also are in the sun or tan in a tanning bed regularly.
Tan--For deep skin colors, great for some ethnic complexions.


--Great for light, fairly light, fairly beige, medium beige, medium foundation colors, just provides a light & healthy sun kissed look!

Warmth Glow--(Warmth Glow is the darker bronzer)--Great for Medium Tan & Deep Complexions.

Mineral Veil:
Translucent finishing powder, goes on after everything else & is a setting powder that keeps your makeup in place & absorbs oil & helps you not need to do "touch ups" to your face through out the day. Without continuing to do touch up & add foundation but just apply Mineral Veil, lets you avoid that "make-up face" & "cakey" look, Mineral veil helps keep your makeup in place, thus creating a more natural look.*VOTED PRODUCT OF THE YEAR FOR 2009 & 2010 for Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals.

Blush: (Listed from lighter to darker shades)

Cheerful Laughter--Light pink, great for light complexions but also work well for darker skin colors that just want a light sweep of pink on their cheeks. This mineral blush compliments any skin tones.
Kissed by a Rose-- More of a mauve pink color, that compliments any skin colors with any hues, looks great for a natural deeper color blush.
Terra Cotta-- More of a brown/deep orange color, Terra cotta works best for dark complexions with pink hues that doesn't want to do more pink and would like a more subtle & natural color blush.
Concealer: (Listed from light to darker shades)

Bisque Concealer
: Perfect on about 70% of all women, great for most skin colorings. WON "MUST HAVE" BEST PRODUCT OF THE YEAR IN 2010.
Vacation Summer Bisque: This product is for slightly darker skin tones, medium tan to tan skin colors.

All my sifter jars are full of 30 grams of 100% of the finest quality crushed minerals. Compare the size & price to other brands. Other popular brands that pay for advertising are giving you nice large jars but they are only full of 9 grams & cost around $35. Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals is over 3 times that size (about a 9-12 months supply) & cost anywhere from $16-$18 each, that's about 50% off their price! Do the math: Sheer Minerals I.D. cost about $3.52 a gram & the exact same ingredients from Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals costs about .58 a gram! It seems fairly obvious.
Shop at Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals & get the best prices on 100% of the finest crushed minerals  cosmetic line!

So I have a few questions for you:

How many of you have used Bare Minerals, Sheer Cover, etc.?
Wat is one thing you liked about it?
What was something you didn't like about it?
Do you think mineral cosmetics are better for your skin?
Do you use a mineral cosmetic line? If so, which one?

Is there a difference between Sheer Beaty Bare Minerals and Bare MInerals or Sheer Cover and other mineral make-up?

Short answer: No, it is not different....from the quality 100% mineral lines. On the other hand, yes, Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals is different from Sheer Cover Minerals, we don't contain "fillers". Fillers clog pores, break out your skin, cause imperfections, settle in fine lines, wrinkles, pores and make them appear larger. Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals is all minerals & does not contain fillers, so it does not clog pores or make the imperfections (pores, pimples, acne, wrinkles, fine lines) in your skin appear larger, in fact it does the opposite. The mineral Veil is known for creating a flawless finish and is a polishing powder finish, which actually makes your skin look and feel softer; one of the ingredients is silk! 

Long Answer: Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals is made of 100% crushed minerals & has healthy attributes for your skin. The concept of Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals all started nearly 8 years ago. Crushed mineral makeup had just begun to become popular. I started using Bare Minerals I.D. for about 3 years & I LOVED it, my skin had cleared up, I didn't feel like I had "cakey" makeup on, I didn't have to touch up my makeup like I did with liquid foundations, it felt like I was wearing nothing at all but yet getting better coverage & the fact that it was actually GOOD for my skin & had benefits was a bonus! Natural SPF15....awesome! One of the minerals even gets rid of redness & puffiness that when worn helps a pimple go away! So instead of clogging pores, I was making my skin healthier! The only problem I had with it was that it cost about $30+ for each of my XL sifter jars of products and they contained 9 grams of minerals, which is a 2-3 months supply depending on personal use. I was buying mineral concealer, mineral foundation(s), blush, bronzer, mineral veil, so I was spending about $180.00 every 2 or 3 months. So I switched to Sheer Cover because I it was a cheaper but it also had "fillers" to make the minerals go further. However the fillers are the same as using liquid cosmetics, etc. that clogged pores and got stuck in fine lines and wrinkles & pores and made them appear even larger! Who wants that? Who wants to go buy some Clinique, Mac or other high end cosmetics to end up making my complexion look worse? Making me break out or causing small cysts even by the unnatural ingredients clogging my pores, or settling in my fine lines and making my imperfections appear larger and drawing more attention to them??

 Discouraged, I went back to Bare Minerals I.D. but I just had a hard time spending that much money on makeup, a small purchase that I didn't have the budget for, yet a necessary one and something I couldn't go without! I kept shopping around and tried some inexpensive mineral brands from Target or Walgreen's, just regular makeup lines that had tried to keep up with the mineral sensation and created their own lines, but they used fillers too, so it didn't help and I always kept going back to Bare Minerals because of the way my skin looked and felt. After much searching I found a company that sold a mineral line. It was all online and I had never heard of them before but with the prices being about 50% less and the sifter jars containing three times as much, I decided to try was love at first application! My skin looked flawless & felt so soft yet felt like I was wearing nothing at all! This was the reason I fell in love with Bare Minerals but the hefty price tag was making it a love/hate relationship. This product was made of the exact same ingredients but had 30 grams per sifter jar (over 3 times the size of Bare Minerals) and was less than 50% the cost!  I found the holy grail and realized how much I could help others & maybe make some money on the side. It didn't take long for me to buy in wholesale and start selling this line myself.  SO I bought into the company, got my LLC, picked out a name & the rest of Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals cosmetic line is pretty self explanatory.

However, after about 18 months, I decided to expand my small company & went through 14 different vendors to find one that had the quality of a company that had both excellent quality and a good price point on designer replica handbags. If I thought I went through a lot to find another mineral makeup to use, I was way over my head by dealing with people that 70% were not located in the US & didn't speak English. There were times I ordered a Louis Vuitton purse and got a Gucci wallet, or I would order a item that looked great in the picture, and have to do a triple take at the item I received, thinking, is this the same handbag I ordered, did they really just look at this same crap that I am looking at now & decide it was suitable to ship out? Really? I am sure for those of you who have ordered designer replica handbags before and had similar experiences. If it wasn't so frustrating & happening to me, it would have been comical, but the story of how I got my priceless & outstanding vendor for all my name brand replica items is for another day.

 I use the same high quality 100% natural crushed minerals as the "designer, more popular brands" but sell it at wholesale cost. Your skin gets all the same benefits that other high end brands that I've bought give you, the natural SPF 15, the Natural "pimple fighter", one of the minerals has a mineral that sooths skin, & gets rid of the redness & swelling of blemishes, helping to hide your pimples, acne, rosacea, scars & large pores. Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals cosmetics doesn't seller in your pores, making it less likely to break out & makes your current imperfections look less noticeable. Finally a cosmetic that actually can make your skin healthier, by not clogging pores, you are less likely to get pimples. Also, want to look younger? Sheer Beauty Bare minerals doesn't settle (unlike liquid cosmetics & other mineral lines that have "fillers" in them) in pores, fine lines & wrinkles making them appear larger!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where can I find designer replica handbags?

Get brands like Gucci, Prada, Coach, Chanel, Coach, Juicy Couture, Jimmy Choo, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Paul Smith, Chloe, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Hermes, Burberry, Versace, Balenciaga, Mui Mui, Dior, Gorayo, Lacoste, Polo, Tory Burch, Mulberry, Thomas Whylde, Alviero Martini, Ed Hardy, & more Designer brand replica Handbags & high end designer replica sunglasses & much more designer replica accessories.

Tiffany & Company & Chanel Jewelry In designer boxes with gift bags, made of all .925 Sterling Silver.

UGG Boots, Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Manolo Blahnik, Christian Louboutin, Gucci, Ferragamo, Alexander Mcqueen, YSL, Lacoste, Coach, Louis Vuitton & more designer replica shoes.

Shop at & save up to 98% off of tons of designer brands & styles. Look for Chanel, Coach, Gucci, Prada, Chloe, Ray Ban, Dior, D&G, Versace & more designer sunglasses with designer cases. All AAA quality, & 7 star style & quality replica designer handbags, sunglasses, jewelry, watches, shoes, Juicy Couture & Polo sweatsuits, Burberry Coats, & many more accessories.

Shop at Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals for the same designer styles but pay much less on designer prices. Love their designer style, Hate their prices? Shop Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals for 80%-98% off retail cost of designer brands. For example, the only difference in our Louis Vuitton Speedy Bag, LV Speedy 30 & the real one is the money you save!
Shop & get the latest designer styles at wholesale costs.

Sheer Beauty Bare Minerals is not just a mineral cosmetic line anymore...I have over 5,000 designer name brand replica items.

If you don't see the style you want on my website, please email me at, & tell me what item you are looking for & most of the time, I have the exact item you are wanting.